Sunday 4 November 2012

Aggitated :@

I get agitated when someone says that Scorpius Malfoy was sorted into Gryffindor, it upsets me. I recognize they’re head canons so it doesn’t matter, but still, I get so upset- and let’s not even talk about the rage I feel when people say he got sorted into Hufflepuff; Ravenclaw I’d accept but not Hufflepuff- not for a Malfoy. It seems as though everyone thinks the malfoys were only in Slytherin because they were Death Eaters and not because they’re a family full of ambitious, proud, survivors (that may be read as: power hungry, arrogant, self-serving). In my head canon, Scorpius Malfoy is as Slytherin as they come, because he, like Draco, wants to make his family proud more than he wants almost anything else. And he plans on doing that by making the Malfoy name mean something in the wizarding world that exists post Voldemort.

Does no one else see the Malfoy name and reputation for tradition as as fictionally important to that family as I do?

I spend way too much time thinking about the Malfoy family.

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